Welcome to St Barnabas Church
Hemel Hempstead
We are a local church which seeks to serve our community of Adeyfield. We do this in two ways:
1) Telling people about Jesus, A
man who lived and died 2,000 years ago. However, we
are not a museum talking
about what he did in his life but we believe he rose up from
the grave. Crazy
huh! We celebrate this on Easter Sunday. As he is alive and now is
in heaven, we
believe it is good to get to know him and how he wants to talk to us.
This is
so important as we also believe that death is not the end for us also. There is
more to come.
2) Using our church building to bless
our community with activities like the St Barnabas
Pre-school, Toddlers, Youth
clubs, Dance groups, NHS Blood Donner sessions etc.
For whatever reason why you want to come to St Barnabas I pray you will feel welcomed.
God Bless
Rev Matthew Renyard
Vicar. St Barnabas, Adeyfield
Rev. Matthew Renyard is our vicar at St Barnabas. Adeyfield in Hemel Hempstead.
Please pray for Matt and his family and his ministry at St. Barnabas Adeyfield.
Click above to view December services
Click above to View Toddlers information page
Chatty Crafters craft group meet in St Barnabas church meet on the first Saturday of each month from 10am to 12 noon. Come along for some craft and chat.
Safeguarding at St
Barnabas Church
As part of the Diocese of St. Albans in the Church of England, we are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. This means taking action as a church to promote a safer culture where the welfare of children, young people and adults is paramount, to prevent abuse occurring, to protect those at risk and to respond well to those that have been abused. We will always take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and act accordingly.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is – Mrs Linda Capon who can be contacted about any safeguarding matter at 01442 217366
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Mr Jez Hirst who can be contacted at 01727
818107 / 07867 350886 safeguarding@stalbans.anglican.org
For more information see the Safeguarding tab