St Barnabas Church

Is there a God? Yes

Sunday Services


9.00am - 10:00am

A fairly formal style of Service.

Includes Holy Communion (Common Worship) each week.

Music by Keyboard 

1st   – 5th Sunday of each month this service is the same


10.30am - 12:00noon (our 1st and 3rd Sunday's will finish earlier)

An Informal style of Service ideally suited to families of all ages.

Music group comprising singers, keyboard, and guitars to leads us in our worship.

1st Sunday - All Age Worship Service

2nd and 4th Sunday - Informal Communion Service with children's having their own teaching. Sometimes on the 4th Sunday the childen will have Junior church
which is their own servcie.

3rd Sunday - Informal Service with children having their own groups.

5th Sunday - Informal Service with children's activities provided


All services are followed by tea and coffee.