St Barnabas Church

Is there a God? Yes

Mission and Ministry

 1. Our Purpose: 

  "Know God, Grow with God, Go with God"

2. Our Vision: 

  "That St Barnabas is a place that proclaims Christ to the community of Adeyfield
 and that all will know St Barnabas as the church at the centre of the community".

  3. Our Mission: 

Prayer & Worship:

* Ensure our services are warm, welcoming and enjoyable

* Encourage and facilitate prayer throughout the week

* Look at new ways of worship for different groups within the church

 People, Involvement & Unity: 

* Not only welcome people but draw them into the fellowship of St Barnabas

* Regular social events for all the community

* Encourage all to use their gifts to build the Kingdom of God in Adeyfield

* Parish Away Days and Weekends 


* Meet the needs of different age groups in the community:

* Schools - Assemblies and clubs

* Residential Homes - Communions and St B Refreshed coffee morning

* Elderly - Bingo and befriending

* Bereaved - Bereavement visitors and Bereavement Service

* Learning Difficulties - Platoon for men (on Thursday nights)

* Families - Fun Days etc 


* Groups for the different 0-18 ages midweek and weekends:

Including Toddlers, Pre-School, COOL Club, Crossover Crew, ACE, Jam Club, Infinity

* Contact with local schools through assemblies, school visits to church, 
  Holiday Clubs


* Ensure church building complex (church hall, garden) can be used for the benefit of community groups throughout the week

* Form partnership with different agencies to use the building for the benefit of the community

* Continued development of the building to meet the needs of a growing congregation and growing community used in the 21st Century.